28 weeks
We have 3 months left!! I can't believe we are in our 3rd trimester already. It feels like so long ago since we found out, but the time has seriously flown by!! I don't want it to go too quickly, but at the same time, I can't wait to meet, hold, kiss, hug, feed, stare at my little man!!
Phase 2 of the nursery is complete! Paint is up and looks great!!
Phase 3 hit a bit of a snag. We went out to NFM to look for nursery furniture. We saw the original crib we wanted (and went out there specifically to see) and I didn't like it in person. It was easily scratched and just not as 'sturdy' as I wanted. We saw another really expensive set that was awesome. Great quality and so gorgeous! We were almost settled on it, but the color was just too dark. So, we kept looking. I will say, NFM would NOT be a high recommendation on my list of places to shop for baby furniture. We would see one thing and they would be sold out, or find someone else but it only came in a certain color. We finally found THE set we wanted, around our price range, we loved the color AND we loved the crib and dresser together. We picked it out and were ready to buy...what do you know - they were sold out and had no idea when they would get it in. I was getting overwhelmed because I just wanted to walk out of their with his furniture that night! Nick checked online and found the same crib we wanted was sold a couple of places online, including Target.
On our way home, we stopped by the Target in Mission and sure enough, there was our crib and the matching changing table. We got both of them loaded up and got them home!! I was so excited to start putting them together on Friday night. We got the changing table up with no problems. We started on the crib and realized they sent us 2 'right back legs' instead of one of each. We called the company and they are sending the replacement part this week. We also ordered the dresser online and it should be here this week also! Right now, it's making me agitated because our house is a mess! All the stuff I was hoping to get put away once his furniture was in place is sitting on our dining room table and it's making me crazy!!
I did get all his clothes that he already has washed this weekend (3 loads worth!!!) and all his new blankets and bedding. All his clothes are put away and just waiting for him to rock them out! I was very glad to get ahead of the ball on those since our first shower is this weekend and I'm sure we'll get more things to put away!! I'm so glad we decided to get the dresser AND changing table because I think we'll need all the extra storage!!
We are having a hard time finding a chair for his room. I really don't want the wooden ones with the cushions, or anything with microsuede but I'm thinking that might be the only kind that will fit with all the other furniture. There just aren't many options out there! We went a few places yesterday and just didn't find anything we really liked. Or if we did, it was discontinued or we didn't like the color and it would take 12-14 weeks to get a special order! Again, overwhelmed mama!! I'm just so ready for his stuff to be set up and see it all together so I think it's making me frustrated that it's not done yet! Nick has been so wonderful and patient thru this whole process.
Saturday was a great day. I got an amazing prenatal massage (seriously best massage ever) and a pedicure! Both felt so good! There were 2 other pregnant women getting pedi's - the one next to me was due today!! I also went shopping with my mom for outfits for my showers. I found a couple of dresses, but I'm just not sure if they are keepers or not. I know I'm supposed to get bigger being pregnant, but sometimes I just feel HUGE!!
As far as pregnancy symptoms go this week the biggest thing I think has been my mood. I've just been so agitated and irritable. I think getting back to the gym and getting his room all set up with definitely help with that. Other than our shower and hopefully getting his furniture in this week, we have a doctor's appointment where I have to take my glucose test! I've been avoiding as much sugar as possible so I don't have to take the 3 hour test if I fail this one!
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